Zero Waste, Real Food
Access to Life-Sustaining Food is a Human Right.
Ensuring that people experiencing poverty have access and control over the food they eat is critical to their well being. Families experiencing poverty shouldn’t have to be limited to overly processed and packaged foods. Our brains and bodies need sustenance.
At the onset of the pandemic we couldn’t access food from traditional sources, but quickly found partners who helped us scale to distribute over 50,000 pounds of healthy food to families every month. Local changes can have big impact. By working with food rescuers, we also reduce methane gas in landfills and mitigate climate change.
We know plant based food can be delivered safely because we have been doing it every week since March of 2020.
Make a donation.
Every week through the generosity of volunteers and the work of community youth hired to help, we distribute over 400 grocery bags to families in need. In addition to helping people to access unprocessed wholesome healthy food we are also building community.
Fair Food Markets:
MLCS, 31 Liverpool Street in East Boston - Line begins at 1pm Food Distribution starts at 2pm
EBHCS, Umana School Parking lot - Weds 5pm
To sign up for text reminders about pick ups please complete the form.